CLASSIC BRITISH CAR JACKS - 30 DATABASES - 2002 - Now In Its 23rd Year - 2025
Number of jacks in each database shown in parentheses () Total jack variants is 1129 George Radion in Australia has a database on Australian-made Jacks All the gathered information is free to use for private purposes. I have no commercial interest in jacks. I maintain this website purely as a hobby and the benefit of all. Request to vendors: Please feel free to use the information from these databases in your adverts. An acknowledgement of the source would be most welcome. However, please do not twist any of the information. Where I say along the lines: 'May be for car 'X' please make this clear in your advert. An altered statement saying: 'It is for car 'X' will create false facts and misinformation. If you know for certainty a jack's heritage please contact me so that I can amend the entry. Thank you. If you know of other British car jack types or have useful information about any of the jack types listed then please contact me. The accuracy of all the data relies very heavily on feedback. I have provided a quick link by vehicle type in the Vehicle Jack Index. I have only listed vehicles where there is a high degree of certainty that an appropriate jack has been identified. Where more than one jack type is listed against a vehicle please check the appropriate databases for additional information. For example only one or two jacks of one type have been found in one mark of Austin Healey, the majority having another type. New information and corrections are always most welcome. There is also a page for unknown jacks. Any help with identification is most welcome. I state in the sales whether the jack has a handle or not. This often appears in short as NH (No Handle) or WH (With Handle). Recent jack additions will remain for approx six months
Jack Sales Decline Sales of jacks on my monitored lists have dropped off dramatically since pre-Covid when I recorded 844 sales in 2019. Since then the annual sales have been as follows: 2020 - 560 sales 2021 - 525 sales 2022 - 353 sales 2023 - 339 sales 2024 - 294 sales Most sales in 2024 were Shelley jacks with 115, accounting for 39% of all sales.
Highest Value Sales: Metallifacture scissor jack for the E-Type Jaguar Series 1 3.8 sold on 25 August 2015 for £1,399.00 Shelley LJ225 screw jack variant for early E-Type Jaguars sold in 2018 for £1,800.00 A Lake & Elliot Millennium 12-MSB-1 1/2 jack in its original cardboard box, used by the Aston Martin DB5, DB6 and DBS sold at a Bonhams auction on 13 May 2017 for £3,500.00. Two others sold for £1,750.00 and £2,250.00 A Smiths Bevelift used by the Aston Martin DB4 sold at a Bonhams auction on 13 May 2017 for £1,375.00 A Lake & Elliot M1DL jack used by the Aston Martin DB2/4 sold at a Bonhams auction on 13 May 2017 for £625.00.